Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ashley & Nick's Engagement

Ashley and Nick had a beautiful engagement shoot planned today in Beverly at Lynch Park. As you may have noticed, it rained all day. As I always say, everything happens for a reason and because it rained, Ashley was forced to think of a place where we could move the shoot inside. She came up with UNH. Mills Hall is the famous site of their first encounter and although Nick says he was only in the library a few times while at school, they both seemed a little to comfortable smooching in the stacks for me to buy that story:)

We ended up finishing the shoot in the grocery store. Yes, the grocery store. After walking around campus for a while we were headed to town when the rain really started to come down. There wasn't much we could do but I had stopped in to the grocery where we both parked before we started shooting and just fell in love with the produce section! I'm sure it was the last place Ashley and Nick thought they would end up, but we still had fun despite mother nature!

I love to hear your thoughts! What did you think of this post?


Ashley and Nick said...

Melissa - They look amazing! Despite the rain, you got some amazing shots and really managed to not only capture the beauty of the campus but also out personalities which is really incredible! We absolutely love them and can't wait until the rest come online in the gallery! :)

We also wanted to thank you for battling the elements for us. I know you (and your cameras) got wet and we really appreciate your efforts and the thought that went into constructing the shoot. Thanks so much!

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