Tuesday, February 23, 2010

An Introduction...

A meeting a tad overdue, allow me to introduce myself, I am Michelle Eaton, currently a student at Montserrat College of Art in Beverly MA. I am in my junior year here, studying for my Bachelor degree in Photography, which I will receive in May of 2011. I have been interning with Melissa since the fall, and have enjoyed this experience very much! I've been shooting for as long as I can remember, when I was a little girl I always wanted to figure out a way to stop time and have it become something tangible for me. Photography worked its way into my life in ways that have immensely changed it, and now, my goal is to create something beautiful, and I'd like to help change someone else's life, or at the very least, the way that they look at the world.
Already, in a few short years I have crossed huge gaps to cover the necessary skills to fulfill my field.
I am currently working on multiple projects for school exploring light and color in natural and controlled environments. This is a different venture for me because usually I focus on portraits, specifically of bands (and live shows as well). I'm trying to step away from straight portraits, just as a chance to challenge myself. So far, I have mostly focused on night street photography and have pleasantly had great results. I currently have a flickr page, which I'll link to later on, and my own blog which I update at random intervals when I remember that I have it! :]

Melissa asked me to post a couple of my own photos, and here's a little eye candy for your viewing pleasure!


Unknown said...

Great images Michelle!!! Hope you had a great B-Day too :)

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